Business Administration

As a business administration specialist, you would have expertise in various aspects of managing and leading businesses. Business administration encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and strategic management. Here are some key areas you might specialize in: Strategic Management: This involves analyzing an organization’s competitive position, formulating strategies, and […]

Turkish Cyprus – Northern Cyprus

Northern Cyprus, officially known as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), is a self-declared state in the northern part of the island of Cyprus. It is recognized only by Turkey and has not been internationally recognized as a separate state. The division of Cyprus occurred in 1974 when Turkey invaded the island in response […]

Study in Türkiye

If you’re interested in studying in Turkey, there are numerous universities and educational opportunities available. Turkey has a rich academic tradition and offers a wide range of programs for international students. Here’s a general guide on how to study in Turkey: Research universities and programs: Explore the universities in Turkey and the programs they offer. […]

Why do you learn Turkish

Turkish language and why we should learn it Turkey is the sixteenth largest economy in the world and its rank rises every year due to the development in Turkey. Turkey has also become more influential in political, economic and scientific terms. Knowing the Turkish language will make you a highly sought-after person in work such […]

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